Builder NLE
Builder NLE - Text Driven Editing
Lumberjack Builder NLE is the original text driven video and audio editor for writing stories with transcripts. It is the only text driven video editor focused on the needs of professional production. Builder NLE solves the problem of working with transcripts by offering free transcription in 16 languages. View a list of languages for free and paid transcription.
As there is no conform time when returning to your NLE, Builder will save you
about $500 in conform time every time you send a Story to the NLE.
For Builder NLE we rethought the entire way we work with transcripts.
- Transcripts in minutes in 16 supported languages for free, Additional languages are supported at 25c per minute.
- Keyword paragraphs and identify People
- Powerful (and unique) Keyword Manager
- Comprehensive search tools to find exactly the quote you need for this Story beat
- Drag and drop paragraphs to make a story. Trim, edit and re-order until it's perfect.
- Send to Premiere Pro CC, Resolve or Final Cut Pro X for finishing.
Builder is included as part of your Lumberjack System Membership, or available as a stand alone app in the Mac App Store
As both apps are the same, use the free month of Lumberjack Membership as a trial period for Builder.
Download Lumberjack Builder NLE.
Operational details for Builder NLE are in the Builder Help.
"I got excited about the text editing feature thinking it might be a bit like Lumberjack Builder, but it turns out it’s not even a fraction as useful, what a shame. I think when Apple implements transcription, it will be a complete and usable solution for editing, not just a way to find a word or take out the pauses.
I would love to see builder integrated into fcp. It would be amazing for doco work.
Jon Waters, Final Cut Pro Facebook Group

Edit video with text
Builder NLE is a totally different way of working with transcripts and your favorite NLE. Many people will provide automated transcription & text editing tools, and perhaps even send selects to your NLE.
The problem is that no NLE is great for working with text. Even Avid ScriptSync is clumsy by comparison with Builder NLE.
In Builder NLE you work with text like in a Word Processor, and at the same time you are working with the video and audio. Trim the text: you trim clip.
At any time you can play the transcript's video/audio to check inflection or tonality.
There's a lot of great features, and a lot to read, so why not just watch the 57 second video above?

While you can send your Transcripts and Logging back to Final Cut Pro X or Premiere Pro, neither are good for transcript workflows. It makes more sense to use Builder NLE's unique Story Building Tools, optimized for building stories from multiple transcripts.
- Optimized Story Building Interface
- Multiple search tools so you can zero in on the story beat you need
- Instant preview of all or part of a story in progress
- Instantly build temporary narration.
Save Time and Money with a Free Membership
No credit card required. Try every app in Lumberjack System for one month and save hundreds of dollars, on us!
(Excludes transcripts ordered through Builder NLE.)