All logging apps draw on an Event, so everything logging focused starts in an Event. Builder NLE can draw Keywords from an Event, but does not require one.
In the Lumberjack world, an Event is a project to be logged. An Event uses a single set of Keywords to be logged no matter how many people are logging.
With your Membership you can have many people independently logging the same Event, or different crews logging parallel activity to different Events. See Logging Setups below.
Events are managed in the Web App, where they can be Created, Hidden and Deleted. Deleting an Event will delete all associated Keywords and Logs, so be very sure the logging has been transferred to the NLE.
Create Events
Events are created in the Web App. Once created Events can be logged using the iOS Logger, in backLogger or noteLogger. While you can log in the Web App, we don't recommend it as it needs a live Internet connection and suffers from latency.
Click on "New Event" to create a new Event. In this window we can name the Event, and assign keywords to the Event.
Note: You will not have any Keywords visible if you have not added Location, Person, Activity and Other Keywords by clicking on "New" at the head of any keyword column. See Manage Keywords.
You can assign the keywords used in another Event (in totality or as a starting point) from the "Use keywords from" pop-up menu.
Hide and Delete Events
The Event list can grow very long over time, so you can either Hide the Event, so it won't show in Event lists in any app, or Delete the Event. An Event must be hidden before it can be deleted.
In the Web application select List to list all Events.
Hide Event
In the List find the Event you wish to hide from selection displays, but keep for future reference, and click on Hide Event.
When the page refreshes, the Event will be grayed out and Hide Event will change to Show Event.
Click on Show Event to return the Event to all selection lists with all Keywords intact.
Delete Event
Once an Event has been hidden, it can be deleted.
IMPORTANT: Deleting the Event will delete any Keywords associated with the Event, and all metadata logs associated with the Event. Before deleting an Event, confirm that the logs have been transferred to your NLE or they will be lost forever.
Click the checkbox beside the Event(s) you want to delete.
Click Delete to Delete the selected Events.
Logging Different Combinations of Cameras and Events
Lumberjack System is very flexible:
One or more people can log the same Event, sharing the logging across all cameras.
Each person can log a specific camera in its own Event.
Multiple people can log different Events at the same time on the one account.
Lumberjack System will work with, or without, Timecode. It is primarily designed to work with Universal Time (UTC = Time of Day and Time Zone), but it can work with Timecode for Time of Day.
Most logging will be done with the iOS Logger, but for logging Keywords with more extensive notes (or an incoming feed) then noteLogger is available as part of your Membership.
Multiple People Logging the Same Event
One approach to complex events is to have multiple people logging the same Event from different locations or perspectives. For example, one logger focuses on Activities and Other Keywords, while another sets Favorites for the interview answers.
Each person logging signs in with their Logger Membership and selects the same Event.
Lumberjack will log all entries and merge them into a single output for the desktop application.
Logging a Specific Camera
To log specific cameras shooting at the same, or different times, create separate Events for each camera being used and assign these Events to different loggers.
Import each camera's media to an Event in Final Cut Pro X, or Bin in Premiere Pro
Select that Event or Bin and export XML to Lumberyard to merge the logging with the media. You can do Select string-outs while in Lumberyard.
You can do Select string-outs from all cameras by sending already Keyworded Bins or Events to Lumberyard which will recognize the existing logging and switch to Story Mode automatically. (Lumberyard displays which mode it's in at the top of the Lumberyard window.)
Logging different Events at the Same time
Another approach to complex events is to set up different Events for the same shoot.
Each Event represents a subset of the full shoot.
Some Examples
On a reality show, if multiple teams were competing at the same time, you would log each team to a different Event.
If activities were happening in multiple concurrent locations, each location should have its own Event.
Select and log the Event set up for the activity or location that is part of the larger event.